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If you're too lazy to remove the burrito or pizza pop from the wrapping, read this interesting email I received:  Plastic wrap toxins

As a seventh grade student, Claire Nelson learned  that di(ethylhexyl)adepate (DEHA), considered a carcinogen, is found  in plastic wrap. She also learned that the FDA had never  studied the effect of microwave cooking on plastic-wrapped food.

Claire began to wonder: "Can cancer-causing particles seep  into food covered with household plastic wrap while it is being  micro waved?"

Three years later, with encouragement  from her high school science teacher, Claire set out to test what the  FDA had not. Although she had an idea for studying the effect of  microwave radiation on plastic-wrapped food, she did not have the  equipment. Eventually, Jon Wilkes at the
National Center for Toxicological Research in Jefferson, Arkansas, agreed to help her. The research center, which is affiliated
with the FDA, let her use its facilities to perform her experiments, which involved micro waving  plastic wrap in virgin olive oil. Claire tested four different  plastic wraps and "found not just the carcinogens but also  xenoestrogen was migrating into the oil. Xenoestrogens are linked to  low sperm counts in men and to breast cancer in women.

Throughout her junior and senior years, Claire made a couple of trips each week to the research center, which was 25 miles from  her home, to work on her experiment. An article in Options reported that "her analysis found that DEHA was migrating into the oil  at between 200 parts and 500 parts per million.  The FDA standard  is 0.05 parts per billion.

Her summarized results  have been published in science journals. Claire Nelson received the  American Chemical Society's top science prize for students during her  junior year and fourth place at the International Science and  Engineering Fair (
Fort Worth,Texas) as a senior.  "Carcinogens-At  10,000,000 Times FDA Limits" Options May 2000. Published by People  Against Cancer, 515-972-4444. On Channel 2
Huntsville, AL) this  morning they had a Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle Hospital on the  program. He is the manager of the Wellness Program at the hospital. He  was talking about dioxins and how bad they are for us.  He said  that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using  plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said  that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxins  into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Dioxins are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he recommends using glass, Corning Ware, or ceramic containers  for heating food. You get the same results without the dioxins. So  such things as TV dinners, instant ramin and soups, etc., should  be removed from the container and heated in something else.  Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. Just safer to  use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Pass this on to your friends... To add to this: Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food. Use paper towel  instead.