Reference List  -  APA style 2007   -  modified for Ms. Dupuis


The purpose of a “Reference List” is to allow other researchers (& your teacher) to follow your tracks.

It is important to be clear and consistent in your listing technique. The following style is called APA.

Here’s the basic order of each entry in APA style.

Author. (Date). Site or Chapter Title. Title or Homepage Title. Place: Company. Page Numbers.

Notice that you end each “statement” (above) with a period except after an Internet address.

·         Arrange your entries in alphabetical order.

·         Start each entry at the margin and indent other lines. Don’t number.

·         Put Titles in italics on the computer or underline if writing by hand.

·         Pay attention to the details in the examples below: italics, Capital Letters, periods, etc.

·         If an Ebook is an exact copy of the print version, you only need to include [Electronic version] after the article title. But if you believe the article has been changed in any way (example no page numbers, as in World Book), you will need to add the date you retrieved the article and the URL.


Ř      Book citation - hardcopy or Ebook:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. 


Aserinsky Discovers Rapid Eye Movement (REM) in Sleep and Dreams, 1952. (2003). DISCovering

World History. Retrieved December 13, 2006 from <>

Coren, Stanley. (1996). Sleep Thieves: An Eye-opening Exploration into the Science and Mysteries of

 Sleep.  New York: Simon & Schuster. pp.119-125.


Epstein, Marc. (2005). Dream. [Electronic version]. In Maryanne Horowitz (Ed.), New Dictionary of the

History of Ideas, Vol. 2. (593-596). Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons.


Ř      ONLINE citations via Google etc:

Author, A. A. (Date site was created or updated). Title of Homepage. Retrieved that day's date from    See   “Reference List” below.  

(P.S. - If you have TRIED but can't find the author, start with the name of the page. If you can't

find the date the site was posted, use (n.d.). This means "no date". )


Ř      Magazine or Newspaper citation or Encyclopedia citation:

Author, A. A. (Year, Date). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.


Ř      TV program or other media citation: see

Writer, W. W. (Writer), & Director, D.D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of episode [Television

series episode]. In P. Producer (Producer), Series title. City of origin: Studio or distributor.

Wexler, Haskell (Writer and Director). (2004). Who needs sleep. [Film documentary]. US:

The Institute for Cinema Studies.


Ř      Software citation:

Sleep. (1997). Mosly's Medical Encyclopedia. [Computer software]. US: TLC Properties.


Ř      Interviews, Email, and Other Personal Communication:

Personal communications (interviews, emails, etc) are NOT included in your reference list. They are cited (name, type of communication, date) in your article only.


Reference List

American Psychological Association (APA) style examples. (2006, April 13). Retrieved December 12, 2006 from http//

Electronic references. APA (2003). Retrieved December 12, 2006 from

Neyhart, David and Karper, Erin. (2006, September 28).  APA Formatting and Style Guide. Retrieved December

12, 2006 from